SCL Water is an experienced supplier of water pumps. Call 07813 047844 or WhatsApp. Products available for export and UK Sales (VAT not chargeable on exports outside the UK).
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    Grundfos Alldos Mechanical Diaphragm Dosing Pumps, up to 2 x 4,000 l/h.

    Mechanical Diaphragm Dosing Pumps

    DMX: High-quality, motor-driven diaphragm pumps, suitable for various applications. The pumps are economic and robust - for medium to high performance. 


    • Available as duplex pump (optional): The two dosing heads offer a cost efficient way of dosing two different chemicals or gaining higher flow rates for a single chemical. 
    • DMX pumps can be configured with servomotors or Atex-class motors to meet specific requirements. 

    We are happy to discuss your requirements with you- for expert advice call or email us.


    Tel: +44 (0) 1769 575990

    Mobile: +44 (0) 7813 047844
