SCL Water is an experienced supplier of water pumps. Call 07813 047844 or WhatsApp. Products available for export and UK Sales (VAT not chargeable on exports outside the UK).
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    A brief overview of private water supplies: If you would like more information or advice, please call us on 01769 575990.


    Abstraction Legislation The average UK household consumption is 150-200 litres of water per person per day.  A property owner can now use up to 20000 litres (20 m3) of water per day for any purpose without the need for an Abstraction Licence. Should the requirement be for more than this then SCL Water can apply for an Abstraction Licence on your behalf. 

    Site Investigation We recommend that a site visit be undertaken to ensure both borehole drilling and long term installation is viable. Access and positioning of overhead cables are key to location. It is important to note that any borehole construction must be up-slope and 50 metres from any point of pollution or activities which could threaten the source of supply. These include: fuel, chemical, slurry or sliage tanks/areas; septic tanks/effluent disposal drains; sewers or below ground fuel pipes; poorly drained areas/areas subject to contaminated drainage run off.  

    Borehole Construction SCL Water advises all customers to establish the local geology by undertaking a Hydrogeological Survey prior to discussion with a drilling company about either cost or borehole construction. Once the survey is complete then discussions with a number of drilling companies can take place to establish the appropriate drilling technique. It is most important to stress that the geology will determine the drilling and that comissioning a drilling company without a survey may add significant risk to the sustainability of the abstraction. 

    Flow Test Following the borehole construction then the available quantity of water can be established with a controlled flow test. This stage is important in being able to establish the selection of the borehole pump to optimise supply. 


    Water Analysis Once the quantity of water from a borehole has been established then it should be tested for water quality. The UK Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI) have published standards that must be adhered to if the supply is to be consumed by people. SCL Water can undertake water sampling and obtain a water analysis from Public Analysts that will establish any necessary filtration to raise the water to drinking standards  (potable) 

    System Installation The sustainability and quality of the water will determine the pump sizing , any storage requirements and the necessary filtration. 

    Well Investigation This web page has focussed on the relaxed abstraction legislation and pumping and filtration opportunities for those having a borehole constructed. It is worth noting that exactly the same opportunities exist for those who already have a well. SCL Water is pleased to discuss the use of well water and any necessary filtration. Please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss your requirements.


    Camera Inspection    On occasions it is necessary to view the construction of either a borehole or well. SCL Water have camera equipment that we use to record the structure following which we can attempt to identify construction problems. 

     We are happy to discuss your requirements with you- for expert advice call or email us.

    Tel: +44 (0) 1769 575990

    Mobile: +44 (0) 7813 047844
